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mercredi 7 août 2013 à 7h

No Border Camp - Rotterdam



Wednesday, August 7
Day theme: Stop deportations!


11.15 am - 12.45 pm: workshops:
- Deportation resistance
- Visiting detained people
- Introduction to migration policy for beginners / update on situation in detention center Rotterdam
2.00 pm - 3.30 pm: workshop
- Esperanto
Afternoon: action
2.00 pm - … Solidarity action of Occupy Rotterdam at detention center Rotterdam.
7.30 pm - 9.00 pm: practical workshops:
- Blockade training
7.30 pm - 9.00 pm: brainstorm:
- International cooperation against deportation charter flights
8.30 - 11.00 pm: cultural program:
- Creative writing
- Singing 'militant' songs
- Joyce Maas, (songs - and reading from her book 'Cel' which is in dutch)

The camp will take place August 2 -10, 2013. Click here for a description of the workshops and discussions.

Daily planning:
9.00 am - 10.00 am: Breakfast
10.00 am - 11.00 am: General Meeting (discussing practical stuff
11.15 am - 12.45 pm: Workshops
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm: Lunch
2.00 pm - 3.30: On some days a workshop
Afternoon: Action / demonstration
6.00 pm - 7.30 pm: Dinner
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm: Computer helpdesk
7.30 pm - …: Discussion / brainstorm / practical workshop
8.30 pm - 11.00 pm: Cultural program (film, performance, music)

Every day has its own theme. But we might not always stick strictly to the themes in the program.
Program content per day. Changes may be made still.